We specialize in boat trailer rentals for all occasions throughout the year.
Boat, Dinghy and Personal Watercraft Trailers for Rent
Are you an owner or captain who occasionally has need of a boat trailer? Is your driveway clogged with a trailer you use only a couple of times a year? Then we are here for you! Red Carpet Boat Trailer Rentals, offers red carpet service for boat trailer rentals in South Florida including Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas.
Why Rent?
Renting saves you money. How?
Registration fees become unnecessary. Maintenance and repairs are a thing of the past.
Owning a trailer means storing it, taking up space in your yard/driveway or paying someone to store it for you.
Our trailers are a perfect way to take your boat with you on vacation or provide peace of mind storage during Tropical Storms.
Renting a trailer is a trouble-free way to perform occasional out-of-water repair and maintenance on your boat.